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Managing Your Team

How to manage your team roster.

Written by David
Updated over a week ago

When it comes to with teams, there are three roles you can have: 


 Full access to all aspects of the account, including roster management, billing, & team stats. 


Same features at the owner but cannot revoke privileges fro the owner. 


Full access to their personal account with no team managing access and billing access. 

As you can see in the picture below is the reports view of the Your Team tab when you log into your account. This will give you the full roster of your team and their stats. You can also (via the text box) invite additional users to your team which will reflect below that box (for this example is hows 1/1 available seats): 

When you click the Edit Team button (pictured below) and being the owner, you can edit roles for everyone on your team, and remove them with the "x" that's at the end of their name next to the type of user (not pictured). 

You ca also choose who gets the weekly summary of your team stats, and who is also included in that email for stats to be displayed. The "Invite to Team" Button is still available in this menu as well. 

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