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Using Us With Zapier

How to integrate Zapier with

David avatar
Written by David
Updated over 3 years ago

Zapier & Other API Integrations

Zapier Integration

Zapier is a powerful way to connect to other applications. To get started you will want to start your account on Zapier. Once you have an account and are ready to start making a “Zap” you will need to get your API key and you place a Webhook in Let me walk you through this:

  1. Your API key will be found on the Developer page.

2) Zapier will provide you with a Webhook. Select this URL and copy it, then open and login. Go to your Profile page. In the Account dropdown menu select Developer. You will be able to enter the webhook here.
In this tutorial you’ll know how to set a basic “Zap”. The example we use it to SMS message reminders to your phone, but you can create 1000’s of zaps on Zapier to automate almost any process.

Here is a popular “Zap” for using the BCC field of an email to enter a contact into a Mailchimp list:

API Integration

How do I get an API?

API documentation can be found at You can find an API key on the Developer page.

Where can enter a Webhook?

You can access Webhooks on the Developer page. To add a webhook, enter in the url in the space provided or click on the “+” to add more than one webhook to your account.

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