Our reminders are unlimited - which includes recurring reminders to ensure no conversation gets lost. You can set up reminders by using the Google Chrome Extension with a Gmail account or by using the CC or BCC section of your email if you are a Non Gmail User.
Reminders set with Google Chrome Extension:
Use reminders when creating a new email, select 'compose' and you will see the toolbar populate in the bottom of the email with the 'Follow up' option
Or create a reminder when replying to an email
You can also set reminders via the sidebar. Click the Reminders button - located towards the top of the sidebar.
Once your Reminders are listed - click the Add Reminder Button:
Now you can create a personal reminder of our choosing:
Reminders set via CC and BCC (Non gmail users)
You can still make use of our core feature (Reminders) if you are a non gmail user. When creating a reminder via email use the TO or BCC fields. How they are utilized is listed below.
TO: Schedule a reminder for yourself, or forward an email to re-appear in the future.
BCC: Schedule a reminder within an email that you will see and receive.
In the following example the reminder will come back on every Monday at 9 am
If you need help setting specific email reminders, use our Cheat Sheet to help you navigate all things email reminders.